
Welcome to the vibrant world of Vietnamese cuisine, where flavors burst and tantalize your taste buds. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into one of Hanoi's most iconic dishes - Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm. This delectable dish is a harmonious combination of crispy tofu, succulent pork, fragrant herbs, and of course, the star of the show - mắm tôm, a pungent shrimp paste. Join us on this culinary journey as we explore the history, ingredients, preparation, and the sheer joy of indulging in Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm in Hanoi.
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1. The Origins of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm

Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm is a traditional dish that originated in Northern Vietnam, particularly in Hanoi. It has been a part of the local culinary scene for generations and has become an integral part of Hanoi's street food culture. The dish is believed to have its roots in the traditional Royal Cuisine of Vietnam, which later evolved into a beloved street food favorite.
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2. The Ingredients that Make Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm Special

To recreate the authentic flavors of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm, it is crucial to understand the key ingredients that make this dish so special. Let's take a closer look at each component:

2.1. Bún (Rice Vermicelli)

Bún is a type of rice noodle made from fermented rice flour. It is thin and delicate, with a slightly chewy texture. The noodles are traditionally soaked in water and then blanched before serving.

2.2. Đậu (Tofu)

Tofu plays a crucial role in Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm, providing a contrast in texture and flavor. It is typically deep-fried until golden and crispy on the outside while remaining soft and creamy on the inside.

2.3. Mắm Tôm (Shrimp Paste)

Mắm Tôm is the star ingredient that gives Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm its distinctive aroma and flavor. Made from fermented shrimp, salt, and sometimes sugar or spices, mắm tôm is rich, pungent, and savory. It adds depth to the dish and enhances the overall experience.

2.4. Thịt Luộc (Boiled Pork)

Boiled pork is another essential component of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm. The pork is simmered until tender and then thinly sliced before being served alongside the other ingredients. It provides a savory contrast to the other elements of the dish.

2.5. Rau Thơm (Fresh Herbs)

No Vietnamese dish is complete without an abundance of fresh herbs, and Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm is no exception. Common herbs used include perilla leaves, Vietnamese balm, mint, and coriander. These aromatic herbs add a refreshing touch to the dish and balance out the richness of the other ingredients.

3. The Preparation of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm

Now that we have explored the key ingredients let's dive into the preparation process for Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm:

  1. Start by blanching the rice vermicelli until it reaches the desired tenderness. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a deep-fryer or a pot with ample oil, deep-fry the tofu until it turns golden brown and crispy. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  3. Boil the pork until it is fully cooked and tender. Once done, thinly slice it into bite-sized pieces.
  4. Arrange the blanched rice vermicelli, crispy tofu, boiled pork, and fresh herbs on a platter or individual plates.
  5. Serve the mắm tôm in a separate bowl or small dipping dishes for each person to customize their sauce to taste.
  6. To enjoy Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm, take a bit of rice vermicelli, dip it into the mắm tôm sauce, and savor it with a piece of tofu or pork along with some fresh herbs.

4. Where to Find Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm in Hanoi

If you happen to find yourself in Hanoi, you're in luck! Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm can be found in various places throughout the city. Here are some popular spots to satisfy your cravings:

  • Bún Đậu Cô Ba: Located in the Old Quarter of Hanoi, this eatery is known for serving up generous portions of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm with high-quality ingredients.
  • Bún Đậu 145: Situated in Hai Ba Trung District, this restaurant offers a modern twist on the traditional dish while maintaining its authentic flavors.
  • Street Stalls near Dong Xuan Market: Wander around the bustling streets near Dong Xuan Market, and you'll find numerous street food stalls offering Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm that are loved by both locals and visitors alike.

5. Tips for Enjoying Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm

To fully appreciate the flavors and experience of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Experiment with different combinations: Mix and match different ingredients to find your favorite flavor combinations. Try different ratios of mắm tôm, herbs, tofu, and pork to create your perfect bite.
  • Embrace the pungency of mắm tôm: While mắm tôm can be an acquired taste for some, don't be afraid to embrace its unique flavor profile. Start with small amounts and gradually increase as your palate adjusts.
  • Don't forget the herbs: Fresh herbs play a crucial role in balancing out the richness of Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm. Be generous with your herb selection to add freshness and vibrancy to each bite.


Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm is more than just a dish; it is a celebration of flavors, textures, and traditions that have been passed down through generations in Hanoi. From its humble origins to its presence in street food stalls and restaurants across the city, this iconic dish continues to captivate locals and visitors alike with its unique combination of crispy tofu, succulent pork, fragrant herbs, and pungent shrimp paste. So next time you find yourself in Hanoi, make sure to try Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm for an unforgettable culinary experience that will transport you straight into the heart of Northern Vietnam's vibrant food culture.


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